Miracles wasted

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual post: English, Italian and Romanian languages

We are only mills that grind the stones of time.
The powders we use then in the drawings on the sky, it seems to us the prayers.
We increase the Nothing, giving him auras of importance.
We cast away the facts and aspirations that could have saved us, we expect miracles until what…
Comes as a hiccup or a raised of eyelid, last wonder –
Only then can we perceive the substance of the time and that, in fact, the stones had gnawed the mills.
And the wind was our breath wasted, the unnoticed miracle…


Siamo soltanto dei mulini che macinano le pietre del tempo.
Le polveri le usiamo poi nei disegni sul cielo, sembrandoci delle preghiere.
Aumentiamo il nulla, dandogli aure d’importanze.
Neghiamo i fatti e le aspirazioni, che potevano salvarci, aspettiamo i miracoli fino a che…
Viene come un singhiozzo o…

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